Whitney with her dog, Onyx hiking to go fishing.

Whitney Rushton is an avid fly fishing angler who is willing to chase after adventure at a moment's notice. Lucky for her, she has two hearty and eager cohorts, Onyx and Blue, both Mini Australian Shepherds, with whom to experience each mission, whether just off the side of the road, or deep in the wilderness. All of this explains why Whitney’s favorite Wolfgang print is the BrookTrout!

Australian shepherds Onyx & Blue in the backseat of a truck.

Onyx and Blue share Whitney’s love of the outdoors and are the best fly fishing companions a girl could ask for. From his first day on the water it was apparent Blue was going to be a fishing dog; his eyes never lost track of the fly. Onyx is the newest addition to the family and while she is still young, she is sure to follow in her older brother’s footsteps. For her part, Whitney claims to like dogs more than most humans.

Whitney fly fishing with Onyx by her side in a pretty lake location.

To cover the cost of chasing fish, Whitney has spent her days as a hair styling expert for the past 15 years. Though she enjoys doing hair, fly fishing is her true passion and there is nothing that can keep her from seeking the next adventure. From living out of her car several days a month, to ignoring sleep altogether so she can get to the most remote areas, nothing will hinder her search for the next big catch. 

Whitney holding a large fish for her dog, Onyx, to smell.

Whitney’s current favorite river is the Green River below Flaming Gorge, especially when the cicadas start to pop off. When the weather gets cold around Utah, however, she likes to spend a lot of time at Pyramid Lake hunting down big Lahontan cutthroat!!